Luckily Lady Gaga Oreos Remind Us Everything Is Just Fine!!

The world may be in terrible shape.
Covid has altered the globe.
The Middle East is a mess.
Our system of democracy is teetering.

But the Oreo Aisle (formerly the “Cookies and Crackers Aisle”) is a Reason To Celebrate.

Oreo Universal Planet Galaxy

And what better way to celebrate than Lady Gaga Oreos?

Gag A Oreo

In case you were wondering what a Lady Gaga Oreo tastes like, there’s some subtle indications on the package.

Inspired by pink cookie green cream whatever the hell

Why of course! It’s inspired by … uh … is that a clump of pubic hair? What the hell is that saying. OH SURE! Gaga’s latest album or concert or cause or song or video or dress or cookie … Chromatica.

Make it sound less appetizing please

And what does Chromatica spelled with pubic hair taste like? Pink colored golden green creme stuff cookie thing crap. Say it with me now: