Plus … it’s a lot cleaner! And it’s a new use for one of the more heinous forms of non-biodegradable waste!
Check out the helpful reminder:
How ’bout the game of “Destroy The Planet With Toxic Waste!!”
The Museum Of Marketing Madness
Curating, skewering and roasting the worst of advertising to comic perfection
Plus … it’s a lot cleaner! And it’s a new use for one of the more heinous forms of non-biodegradable waste!
Check out the helpful reminder:
How ’bout the game of “Destroy The Planet With Toxic Waste!!”
I guess I should mention this was taken from my day job’s company’s website for internal training. That is why a lotta stuff is redacted. But you can see who is responsible for this mess. Yeah, those people!
I guess that ol’ hip flask model is just not cool anymore
Just because you fill this with 8oz of booze doesn’t mean you’re carrying around an entire PUB in your POCKET
My favorite: the lil’ gang of miscreants tucked in the upper right-hand corner.
Using that mentality, someone over at the Salad Package Design Team came up with this, uh, system to help us, uh, EAT.
Gives new meaning to the expression: “My salad is off the charts!”
Everybody knows sales drop off the closer you get to the freight elevator.
The Manager had to find a place to shove the Deer Park water bottles they were pushing. Knowing this was not a good spot he asked one of the stock boys to make a simple sign, nothing fancy. Good signage is the mark of smart marketing.
And there it is.
And the stuff just flew off the shelves. Flew.
…said the agency who sold the client on this cute/cool concept. Sure, even if it’s Staten Island, they’ll just be like,
“Whoa, cute logo. Hip. Cool. I’m down!”
Then they’ll say,
“Whoa … why am I on a ferry? Not cool.”