Dead Animals. It’s What’s For Dinner

You can always make ’em cute with lots of bright colors.  But they are still, and always will be:

Dead animals that we eat.  


Yeah, THAT should put your life in order. Being beheaded, then slow roasted so that the meat falls off your bones. Yes indeed!
Take a good look at this and consider: it is a headless cartoon duck with a tuxedo presenting itself to you on a silver platter. Oh yeah, WITH a stopwatch in the breast pocket and a martini. Yup…that is what you are seeing.

Exit Light … Enter Jelly Queen

After cropping these pictures I now have nightmares about this beast.

JellyQueen1This is as scary as clowns are to small children. That face!!  No teeth or opening for a mouth, just a reddish jelled mass under a protrusion. Some sorta blue-ish translucent eyebrow curled into a wicked hook shape!


And the entire body, another shiny, jelled translucent mass, with an arm and hand-like appendage that conjures some sorta CG movie monster melting under hot lights.


It’s Just Another Juice


“Ralph, I’m doing the labels. What’re we putting on this?”

“Cranberry, Strawberry…not sure, another juice”

“Well, what’s that other juice?”

“Mike, I have no idea, it’s juice.  I’m sure!”

And children, that’s the story of
“How The White Cranberry Strawberry Juice Got Its Label!”

Marketing Madness Rule #12 – Word Play Is Hard Work

You’re a chimney sweep so why not use the verb sweep in your copy! Except it reads like…

Don’t buy a used car from a used car salesman. Buy it from me: A Used Car Salesman!


And let’s not forget Faceless Gold Figure on the Ladder to Heaven … which was at one time the working title to Wim Wenders’ movie “Wings of Desire”


The Healing Power Of Reiki (REese’s Peanut Butter Cups and KItKat® Bars)

You have to see this first in context:

Got that??

According to their website (

The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words – Rei which means “God’s Wisdom or the Higher Power” and Ki which is “life force energy”. So Reiki is actually “spiritually guided life force energy.”

Whereas, here “ReKi” is made up of two candy products – Reese’s and Kit-Kat bars. So ReKi is an an in-store, standup display of Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups and KitKat® bars.

I think the synergy and power cannot be ignored.  One is healing and spiritual.  The other is chocolate-y and delicious.